Spring League 2025 – Week 5 Final Results posted

The Spring League Started on Sunday 2nd Feb 2025 and runs for 5 weeks.

Best 3 scores per week count for team score and best 4 team score out of 5 count towards the overall team score.

Playing Handicaps: Ladies play off 100% of their nine hole course handicap

Men play off 85% of their nine hole course handicap.

The playing handicap will be shown on the printed label. (We may play holes 10 to 18 some weeks)

You must use the correct 9 hole scorecard when submitting your score.

You must write your Stableford Score on the card and this must match the score entered on the computer. Cards returned without correct Stableford score may not be considered.

The Overall number of Bonus points accrued to date for each team will appear under the Week 6 column

The Overall running total for each team = Best 4 out of 5 weekly team scores plus Bonus points accrued over all 5 weeks

Links to Teams, Rules and Leaderboard information are attached below





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